


Faculty of Human Development and Culture


We are looking for students who are interested in human development and the exploration and creation of culture, and who are keen to play a role in the challenges facing human development today.


Fostering the educators of people and culture

The faculty wants to train teachers who can directly tackle issues at the front line of education, and to encourage the development of people who can provide assistance to the local community through culture. The Faculty of Human Development and Culture is looking carefully at issues facing both school education and the local community, and is approaching these from the perspectives of human development and culture. The courses in this faculty place importance on curriculum flexibility, careful advice, and the ability to put things into practice. Through these courses, the faculty nurtures educators of people and culture who will educate people and create culture, and who will drive the recovery of the Tohoku Region and create the future for Japan.


Creating the next generation of specialists who will drive human growth: training the educators

At the Faculty of Human Development and Culture, we train specialists who will promote human growth and who can be active in various areas in society. By specialists who will promote human growth we mean the people who will actively utilize their knowledge of education in schools and kindergartens, and in local government bodies and companies. Through our curriculum, students will become familiar with the knowledge, techniques and values that will support human growth, from the specialized perspectives of the humanities and social sciences, and mathematical sciences. The students can gain teaching certificates in almost the same way as they would at the Faculty of Education.


1. Education

This course is mainly aimed for students who are considering a career in education. Practically, schools are exposed to complex environments, such as changes in society and region. Teachers are expected to be capable of supporting children's learning and to be reliable in helping them grow. This course also enables students to learn about the practical skills required to become school teachers.

2. Psychology and Early Childhood Education

Students are provided knowledge regarding human behavior and psychology in this course. In the field of psychology, researches are conducted using scientific methods, such as experiments, surveys, and observations. The field of early childhood education explores suitable approaches to provide education during early childhood as well as to study the development of infants. This course includes aspects from both these fields.

3. Special Needs Education and Human Life Science

Students are provided with theoretical background regarding developmental support required by children who require assistance for mental or physical disabilities. The course will also extensively explore the fundamentals of human life science related to families and communities. The course will support students in understanding and acquiring new skills through practice and further exploration.

4. Expressive Education of Music and Fine Arts

This course provides complete details of art for students to understand art's significance and to acquire skills related to music and art, both theoretically and practically.

5. Cultural Science

Students are provided with opportunities to engage in deep learning regarding languages, literature, and the future of community, society, and culture based on historical and current schools of thought. Students will inherit and develop a local culture based on what they learn.

6. Mathematical and Natural Sciences

This course improves the expertise of students by determining individual problems relating to mathematics and natural sciences, from the familiar nature around us to cutting-edge issues, and learning how to solve these problems in innovative and exploratory ways.

7. Health and Sports Science

This course improves students' sports and leadership skills using the latest sports theories and technologies. It additionally provides learning opportunities regarding the realization of a lifelong approach to a fit and healthy lifestyle.
